I said it before oh, so so strange reporting today if am not reporting strange wonders am reporting fake wonders. or celebrities wonders and sometimes very sad events, and this is the new report I just received, it really amazing, a 13-year-old boy named undisclosed shocked the crowd and other leaders of a undisclosed bible believing church in Lagos, where he suddenly open up on a vision he said was revealed to him by God. He interrupted the flow of the service, when he came out to the altar and said, he had something to say. This was exactly what transpired; After he stepped out, he walked straight to the altar, asked for the mic and headed to the pulpit facing the head pastor. Pastor two weeks ago you visited a close friend, who welcomed you and gave you your best meal to eat.You ate without any words of prayer, the pastor face was full of shock.
That food you ate was poisoned. The congregation shouted, then he further said, do you know why you did not d*e? The pastor who was calm and surprised, nodded his head without a word. "You did not d*e because you have a good and generous heart, the fact that you did not pray, did not stop God from being God. God took out the poisonous substance and made you eat a meal you so desire" says the boy. Then he handed over the mic, as he was about leaving the altar, the pastor called him and knelt down for prayers from him, to confirmed that what the boy said was true as tears rolled down his eyes. The teenage boy said a little prayer and left.
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