She wrote:
My name is 'Kemi Adetiba, and for years, I've carried around a terrible secret. Today, I come to you all.. My instagram family, with knees bent, asking that you you forgive instead of judging as I relive myself of this confession. For years, anytime I fed a baby his/her cerelac it was always on a 2 - 1. Two spoons for me then one for them. If i ever fed your child, I probably did this to them too. Here I am pleading for your forgiveness... And any baby I may have selfishly cheated. From now on, I shall endeavour to get high on my own supply (as evidenced I'm this photo). I shall now instead bear the shame of going up to the cash counter cradling my can of baby formula, rather than steal food from the mouths of starving babies. I personally did this to you when you were a baby and I'm sorry. Help me beg your children... I am sorry.#ConfessionsOfASerielBabyFormularEatingAdult.
Hahaha... Such a funny ad!