On this particular day, he kept beating her and he repeatedly banged her head on a glass shower screen and cupboard door to make himself feel better, while her mom watched.
The beatings were so severe that she lay unconscious in a pram for two days until she eventually stopped breathing, daily mail reports.
After a long trial, Tanilla’s mom was found guilty last year of manslaughter for refusing to stop her boyfriend from beating her daughter or calling for medical help. She was sentenced to 12years in prison, which was reduced to nine years after she agreed to give testimony against Ross, her former boyfriend.

During Ross’s trial, he remained rude and threatened people in court including using offensive language towards members of the media. When the jury delivered the guilty verdict he yelled: ‘It’s not over,’ before breaking down in tears.
He was in court again this week as those close to Tanilla read victim impact statements to the judge before sentencing.Tanilla's father and his partner during one of the trials
The girl’s father, Adrian Warrick, who has Tanilla’s name tattooed on his arm told the NSW Supreme Court he had gone through ‘every parent’s worst nightmare’ and he could not understand why Ross abused his daughter because she was not toilet trained as quickly as he wanted.
‘Why was it so important to punish her so harsh that it took her life?
‘I can only imagine what Tanilla went through and the fear she faced through her ... ordeal.’
‘What did she do so bad that gave you the right to hurt Tanilla? None whatsoever. She was a defenceless child, I hope that Ross would never be released. That's what my daughter deserves. Any child does. For what she had to go through, such a person doesn't deserve to see the light of day in my eyes’, he said.
Sentencing will continue in May.
What a wicked and evil act! May her soul rest in peace and may that bastard that killed her be tormented for the rest of his life