And for the first time ever, Doris spoke to The Nation newspaper about her estranged husband’s relationship with Stella Damasus. You will love her response. In answering the question, she didn’t say God will fight her enemies or nemesis will catch up with them like someone did, she didn’t also write any long epistle shedding crocodile tears, trying to paint the scenario white when we all know it's black. But she said it straight and short, like a real woman ''She is a woman and most of us her colleagues'', she said. Abeg age isn’t everything phew…
The question; But how do you feel knowing that your colleague is supposedly married to him?
Her Response; She’s a woman and he is a man. Na man I go still follow so (laughs). In this industry, most of us are colleagues; it is not that we are close friends or something. No be say na my mama born am now.
This is very interestin... Not!