Wednesday 1 May 2013

Doris Simeon: I Am In A Relationship – I am married to Jesus, Satan leave me alone

Edo State-born actress, Doris Simeon, (Stella Damasus's new man's ex-wife) talked about her life, her marriage, how she coped with the scandal and if she will remarry in this interview with ‘Nonye Ben-Nwankwo. Excerpts:
  • Every young girl will always remember her first boyfriend, do you remember yours?
I remember that I did ‘shakara’ a lot when I was growing up. ‘Toasting’ then was just writing letters. But when I was growing up, the guys I liked never asked me out. The ones I didn’t like would always flock around me. I don’t think I remember having a first boyfriend. It was actually when I started acting that I started having boyfriends. But afterwards, those ones I liked started coming and I told them it was too late. There was this guy, in his mind, I was his girlfriend. He came to Lagos for his youth service. He used to take me out to eateries. So I would say he was my first boyfriend but we didn’t date. We didn’t even kiss.
  • Why?
He said he was very patient and he would wait for me till I was ready.
  • So who eventually became your first ever boyfriend in the real sense?
He is in the UK. We dated for two years. I was grown up then and I realised that I couldn’t stand distant relationship. He liked surprising me. He would come around and wouldn’t tell me he was coming. He is still based in the UK.
  • But you should feel bad that your marriage didn’t work out few years after you got into it?
There is always time to be happy and time to be sad. There is time to reflect and think and learn from your life. You make mistakes to learn. You don’t make mistake and go back to it or dwell in it.
  • But will you get married again?
Hmmm. I don’t know what to say. I am not taking life so hard. You don’t say some things when you are happy because you might regret it. I want to go the way life goes.
  • Are you in a relationship again?
Yes. I am in a relationship with God and my son. Is God not male? My son is also a man. He is my boyfriend now.
  • Would you say it was your fault that your marriage broke up?
I just thank God. I thank Him for everything.
  • How do you cope with the scandal your marriage generated?
You have to accept life the way it is. At least I am alive and people talk about me. Some people are alive and they are not known. Even if I die today, people will talk about me.
  • What if your ex wants his son back?
He is his son. It is not all the kids that you train that will remember you. You just do your own and leave the rest to God.
  • What is your greatest desire?
I won’t say I want to be like God, but I want to touch lives. I want to make an impact so that people will never forget me.
  • What if your husband comes back to you and begs you for forgiveness?
I leave it to God. (sings) I am married to Jesus, Satan leave me alone…
  • But you look so happy…
I am so happy. Do you know that one of my colleagues died recently? I am older than Bisi Komolafe and she is dead now. I can provide for myself. Why should I be sad? That is why I am not taking life so hard. You don’t know when you can slump and die.”

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