Friday 13 December 2013

Beyonce new album features author Chimamanda Adichie about feminism and roles women play in the society

What a good surprise give honor to those honor is due. Beyonce  released  a new album on iTunes last night December 12th. The self titled album is Beyonce's 5th solo album and features 31 tracks, 14 of which are new songs.

In the new album, Beyonce collaborated with Jay Z, Drake, Justin Timberlake, Kelly Rowland....and featured our very Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on a track titled Flawless. Beyonce put a portion of the award winning author's speech about feminism and roles women play in the society in the song. Pop meets Literature! Amazing stuff.

Meanwhile Beyonce has filmed 17 new music videos, one of which she released on Facebook last night. You have to be really big to release an album without any promos or prior warning to fans

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