Thursday 11 April 2013

I want to start dating again for all my readers please read and help us

Please readers read this and leave a comment, it was taken from The forum section of Women Confidentials.
Am divorced from my husband we got married very young, he was 20 and 1 was 18, before any one could say jack what? we had three wonderful kids, life was hard, but it was good at the same time, we managed to make ends meet, my husband continued with his education was called to bar, 6 years after we got married, and it was my turn to go back, and 9 years after we married I was a graduate my self, with our beautiful kids and a big home, 12 years into our marriage we were more than happy, until my husband started working long and late, finally the truth, he was in a relationship with a friend, he told me  he was in love with her BN
I asked the reason why he loves her, he said she was kind, she looks good all the time, she never nags him, she cooks well, and she is always ready to do anything for him, all i said that sounded disparate, from her, and I told him how can I look good all the time am a mum of three, working full time, taking care of the home, taking care of him, taking care of the kids, the next day I asked him to make a choice, his family or his girlfriend, don’t be surprise he took her, he moved out of the house, into her house, not long after they bought a house together and moved in, love was in the air, but just 6 months into the relationship she kicked him out of the house, saying it was her house and he is not needed any more,.
Now he is back to my house asking for forgiveness, which I gave, but taking him back is looking all most impossible, because i can not find myself loving him after everything, he is only at home because of our kids, it two years since he moved back in, and he has been the best any father or husband can be, but yet i just can not continue with him, instead am thinking of dating again, what do i do am a Christian, is either I continue with him, or get someone new, am only 32 years old, and my first child is going to be 14 years old soon. what can i do take him back or leave him. Am worried he will do it again but really am just not in love with him.. Betty Nwabunike from Women Confidentials 


  1. Reply
    Hum, this is not what you see on a public forum everyday, well u need to do what is best for u and ur kids, for u to let him back into the house, and not dated anyone for over two two years means you are still in love with him, just a little angry and disappointed over what he did, maybe than he was going through mid life crisis, i guess now he knows women for who they are, when they are ready to get a man they do anything, the same women he said will do any thing for him, was the same women who kicked him out, good very good one, think and make the right decision, no one can make it for you, beware of friend that will tell you kick him, be very careful, but if you must know take him back and work on the relationship.

  2. WOW men they can love u one minute and leave u the next, that is not really my problem, I always ask this question why will a man leave his kids, i can not really get it my sister's good for nothing husband just walked out of the house leaving her and 4 kids, now he is asking her to move out with the kids so he can move in with his new girl friend. I will say u r lucky he did not kick u out with ur kids, just forgive him for the sake of ur kids.

  3. It is sad, but that is life we all know that men are worms, they don't see clearly some times, If u forgave him, than i should say try to love him again, my u were really young went u got married, now is the time to enjoy forget about other men, work on ur marriage and pray to God, keep ur family together after all he came back. hope this helps
