So was on the tube: and some youth were saying so many negative things about Beyonce, the money, her lifestyle etc…only based on what they heard/read from some journalist. So I asked one of the girls politely and knowing THIS IS
OWN BUSINESS OR ELSE! do you personally know Beyonce? Answer No, but we read about her. Do you know the girl has a family that love her too and she has a personal life etc? Yes but she is a public figure….Now stop for one minute and live in her shoes and tell me if you would like to hear some random people talk about you or your daughter in the way that you have just talked about Beyonce. The girl was like…You are are right actually, I’m judging her and I don’t even know her, I don’t even know what she has probably been through to get to where she is, I’m only seeing her success and money. I suppose, I’m just going with the flow. Me rolling my eyes and thinking….Negative hating people who don’t know you and are constantly judging you based on nothing need to take a big positive chill pill!
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