Monday 5 August 2013

What Men Want What Every Women Should Know

Serious man with mustach

Man are like horses, they need to be egged on, praised, and cared for, they need to be in-charge at all time, they need to be in control, they need your support, they need your undying love and help ( help not be in charge),
men don’t like anyone trying to change them, they are who they are, they need to be accepted by you, they need you to believe in them, they need you to be a lover or a wife not a competitor, they need you to understand who is the head, but yet equal to you.
They need you and the kids to appreciate them, they need  you to always feel their presence, they know they are the head of the family, but still need you to acknowledge it from time to time,  they need you to look good at all time.

They need you to ask not assume, men don’t understand the showing of emotion,but they are very emotional, instead what   they understand and show off is actions, man like you to see them as your macho, even though in reality they can be soft, men love to hear positive thinking not negative ones IE *i think this job am applying for is good or my new business venture is good, and need you to see it from their point of view not to disapprove it, instantly.
Instead tell him what you think and make him believes he came up with the ideals, men love to be treated like mum would, but they never agree on this issue of wanting to be treated like mum does, without realizing men are like babies.
If you give a man you heart, respect, believe in him, trusting him, make him know he is yours and you are his, cook him always his favorite means, pampers him, always be patient with him, never be rude to him, or talk back to him in a rude manner, never ever raise your voice at him, if you do all this, , this is one of the ways to keep your marriage going,
There are various reasons why men cheat,  the number one reason for men to cheat is not always the obvious (sex), instead Ninety-two percent of men was more about attention. They said cheating comes in when there is  an emotional disconnection, which is not feeling   appreciated or getting appreciation from their wives. With wives not showing their gestures.
one thing we must realize is that without men showing it they are very emotional being  just like women, in some cases, they are more emotional than women. They just don’t look that way, Or they don’t appear like that, and of course they don’t tell you  how emotional they are.
It is your duties as  a woman or wife to work that out for yourself. If you appreciate your husband in all ways, and show him he is the head of the family, you never in any way undermine him, you take it as part of your marital duties to please him,

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