Thursday 1 August 2013

Is Love Really Blind:I Remember When I Thought He Was The One

Written By Betty Nwabunike
Not too long ago, I was reducing the clutters in my home and found some belonging, it took me back to the time, when I sincerely  thought I was in love, and that the guy I was dating was my soul mate, my life was all about him, my thought, my dreams, my achievement, everything i did was either for him or about him.
I had sleepless night when he was away, I lived my live for him,  my life was his tools, than I could do any thing for him, just to make and see him happy, his happiness was my joy. I go to bed thinking about him, and praying he is doing the same about me, I wake up thinking about him, when he is broke am happy to assist him, too happy in fact, this is when my love becomes blind, I do his grocery shopping, cooked all his meals,  his clothing shopping I do it  also , I always buy him designers clothing because he loves his designers, all my salary was for him I don’t wear designers because I can not afford it, don’t get me wrong I earn good money I had a good job, not been able to afford it was the choice I made, but when it comes to buying for him, suddenly I can afford it.

I just loved him to a bits, before I met him, I had a savings account, with huge bank balance, when we started dating it all got spent, he was always borrowing with a promise to back with interest.  I believe any thing he says trusted him, he was my world, I was his passport to good life.
I once had a fancy can, but I gave it to him because I hate to see him jumping the bus, instead I started to use the bus, although he was the one with the car, I was the one buying the fuel, I only saw the car when the fuel tank was low, once it filled he is off again to one of his many runs, as he use to call it.
Loving him made me happy, as for him making promises to me and not keeping it makes him happy.  He worn the best clothes, he drove the best car, every thing about him had to be the best, the question is was he working or into any business, to keep such a high standard of living? the answer is no, he had no job, no business, but he had a very good business deal, that kept him looking well, that business deal was me. 
I was a high earner, so from the first day he met me I was already his target, his money making machine, but as far as I was concerned it was love at first sight.
All my friends call him posh, said how lucky I was to have a rich boyfriend, capable of paying my bills and taking me on a round the world trip.
Than the scale fall off my eyes, after he proposed marriage to me, OMG? I died and woke up, I could not believe my dream of marring him some day was coming to pass, I gave him money for the engagement ring, and he told me to sell my house, promising to buy a bigger one once we were married, once again I believed him, thinking finally I will become Mrs Posh, just like him, and have baby posh, before I could say yes or agreed to selling my house it was already up for sales, when I asked him why he did not wait for me, his reply was the sooner we got it out of the way, the better for us, meaning we can now concentrate on planning our wedding and buying a bigger place, on top of this I took out a bank loan, increased my credit limit, I did not mind working more hours to pay back, as far as he is my husband it was worth it, I was happily dreaming and looking forward to our up coming wedding.
Than it happened, the house was sold it was with very good returns, the loan and increased credit limit was given to him, and we checked in to a motel, he promised me he had a big loving surprise for me, I was happy, I got the impression it was our new home, left for work the following day, got a call from him, saying how much he loves me and missing me, I took off early from work, got some nice wine, got into the room, had my bath and was getting ready for the night with him, when I first noticed, it was all gone, No way I could not believe it, I must be dreaming, it was all gone, yes, it was, it was than I saw a little note on the table, yes I was right, with tears in my eyes i read the small prints, he was gone, he was sorry he was no longer in love with me, told me I had a good Job, and will get my self  back  in on time and find a guy who will love me for me.
But he was kind enough to pay for one month for the motel room, this was really helpful, until my next pay day. You see I thought that if he left me I would die or kill my self, but instead, my eyes was opened wide opened for the first time in four years, I was dealing with a con artist, I was thankful he left me for good, I was very thankful he did not drive me to suicide. When I look back, I don’t believe I was that person, I still ask my self  who that person was.
Am much more happier now, thank goodness, I have a car now, i dress nicely, and have a huge saving, but above all am sane and with some one, who works and will not borrow money off  me to buy me Valentine’s card. Betty Nwabunike