Thursday 1 August 2013

How dating can help you pick your MR or MISS right

Dating is very important in any any long lasting relationship, yes it possible to have a long lasting relationship without dating. But to stand the test of time in any good relationship then you do need a few dating.
Dating is what some will  call going out a couple of times for meals and getting to know  each other, but what I call dating is a little more than going out, not just going out for a few meals, but dating to see if you are compatible, dating in this sense is asking question, getting to know each other, your likes and dislikes, understanding each others  abilities in tends of strength,  attitudes and finance.
When dating  most times we let our hearts rule instead of our heads, you see a potential husband material or wife material you let your heart do the ruling and talking, instead of you head. Using your heart in a relationship should only come after you have used your head, heart can only come in when you are in a steady and serious relationship not when you are dating, how can you be dating and saying you are madly in love, you have only been on a few dates and you conclude this is my life partner, do you know if he or she feels the same way over you, do you know his middle and last name, do you know where he works, or do you know the kind of friends he keeps, and you wake up and say you are in love.  When getting a life insurance you do a research you want the best deal with the best return, you don’t just say OH  I like the name of this insurance company, therefore I will go for it, the same way you protect your insurance the same way you should protect your life long relationship.
Dating is the checking out time to see if this is my future wife or future husband, if you are dating and you let your heart rule your date, you dating partners may see it and  take advantage, but if  you understand that dating means checking out each other you will know when someone is about to take advantage of you, or if the other person is right for you or not.
The reason why so many relationship ends only after a few dates is because, we let our heart rule, instead of our head, for those of us still thinking how do we use our heart to rule instead of our head, this is how, we look at the physical attributes/abilities, the good looks, the body build, the cool dressing, the polish English, the borrowed cars, and finally we conclude that we are in love.
When dating we should be looking at the most important things, am not saying looks and all the above attributes are not also important but there are also more checks to be done to get it right, this keeps you from jumping from one failed relationship to another.
It is always better to get it right, instead of a broken heart, most of us don’t believe we can avoid broken heart if we are patient and observant when dating, instead we just jump into the relation and before you know you are starting a new one, once again with the same pattern, we keep following it and we keep getting hurt.
The simple logic behind most successful or long term relationship and marriage is the ability to see what is good for you from the start, which begins with your dating, if you date with a clear head you see things you will not see when dating with a loved up head. You clear head quickly tells you yes I like this person’s looks, but can’t stand his behaviour and attitude, but when you are so loved up when dating how do you get a clear head to see the kind of person behind to those lovely toned skin, or the kind of person behind those lovely designer wear.
there is time for when to use your head and when to use your heart, By Betty Nwabunike

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