Wednesday 4 December 2013

TIME FOR REVENGE: Bruce Jenner Getting $15 Million For All His Sweet Kardashian Secrets?!

Here's How Perezhilton is reporting it:

According to In Touch Weekly, Bruce might just pen a tell-all book about his marriage, life, and possible divorce with Kris Jenner which would just so happen to air all of her dirty secrets!!

Sources said:
    “Bruce isn’t interested in playing the image game. He put up with a lot for a long time but now that she’s sinking her teeth into Kendall and Kylie, he’s getting pissed. The divorce for Bruce is about both revenge and money. He’s worth a lot and is now looking back at his life and thinking, ‘What was I doing? Why did I put up with this for so long?’ If Bruce opens up about all of the dirt he has on Kris, he could easily get a book advance of $15 million." 

WOWZA! That is a LOT of money! Sources also told the magazine Kris' REAL reasons behind marrying
Bruce. They said:

    "She just wanted to be a celebrity, that was Kris’ whole thing.”

Oh man. It looks like their split could get ugly if this were to happen! If things DO get ugly, at least Kris has her boytoy Ben Flajnik to console her!

Though we do have to doubt some of these allegations because the two ARE seen together constantly and play nice with one another!

But is it all for the cameras???

We'll just have to wait and see!!

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