Sunday 4 August 2013

Why I killed my husband, new bride confesses

Weekly Trust: Please can you tell us about yourself?
Maryam: My name is Maryam Yahaya, I am 17 years old and the first born of my family. I have three younger sisters and one brother.
Why are you in Police custody?
My husband,  Auwal is dead.
How did he die?
( A long pause)
What happened on the day he died?
On that day,  I went to my sister’s house to help her make taliya (local spaghetti) . By the time I came back home in the evening, I met him at home. So he asked me for his food and I told him I did not cook,  but that I had brought taliya from my sister’s house which I prepared myself  for him. After he had eaten it , he took his ulcer medication ‘Gestid’ because he said he was not feeling fine. He now told me he wanted to have sex and I told him I was not interested; he insisted and I refused then he started insulting me saying that I was stupid. He said he had married me to have sex and that I didn’t know the value of marriage. 

I left him and went to the compound to peel potatoes while he decided to sleep. When I picked the knife (pauses again). Satan must have possessed me and something told me to commit the crime. I went to the room and found him sleeping. I stood behind him for some minutes wondering what to do then I placed the knife by his neck and somehow he turned in his sleep, I don’t know whether I panicked or I was possessed then I committed the crime.
When it dawned on me that this is what I have done,  I ran out to our neighbor’s house screaming that she should come and see what has happened.
What happened after that?
He staggered out of the room feeling dizzy, when our neighbor saw him she ran out screaming. So, I also ran out to my sister’s house. When I was about to leave, he went back into the room and even when people gathered he was alive, they didn’t take him to the hospital. It was while I was in the police station that I found out that he had died but he was alive before the police took me away.
Did you drug him before he slept?
No!  God is my witness that I did not put anything in his food.
Were you forced into marrying him?
No, I loved him. We had dated for two years and I was in love with him. But after the marriage, he started disturbing me with sex. He wanted sex all the times, sometimes, five to six times a day. Any time he comes home he wants to sleep with me.
Did you complain about his excessive sexual demands to anyone?
I didn’t tell anybody, but I complained to him, at a point that he was always disturbing me and most of the times, I will be in pains. But he said that was why he married me.
Apart from the sexual demands does he beat you?
No, he doesn’t beat me.
Why didn’t you run away or ask for divorce instead of killing him?
I don’t know. But Satan didn’t bring that thought to me.
How many months is your pregnancy?
Two months now.
Did Lawal know you were pregnant before he died?
Yes. We even went to the hospital together.
What have your parents said to you since the incidence?
They told me I have put them in great distress and they have had to leave Gangare community because some youths made an attempt on their lives. I regret my actions and wish I could take it back. I have committed a grave sin but I have repented and I want forgiveness from Lawal’s family, I will never do such a thing again.
What would you tell your child on the whereabouts of his/her father when he grows up?
I have been thinking about that a lot and I don’t know what and how I will be able to tell my child about what killed his father. Or how I will expect the child to forgive me. Even if I don’t tell him or her, my story has gone all over the world and my child will be stigmatized and be seen as the child whose mother killed his father.. Culled from weeklytrust

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