Tuesday 5 March 2013

Why Men Are So Different From Women

3D render of two silver men.
From the creation of time, and from the very beginning men and women were created differently, yet equally. Men were created to be strong, and powerful in other to protect their better half, why women on the other hand were created to be less muscular yet emotionally powerful than men, in order to be able to  assist help and support men.
Yes Men are suppose to protect and be the  head, why women are suppose to receive the protection and help men, check your history and you see that every great man or every man who was great was helped or assisted by an emotionally powerful and stable  women.
If you go through your biology you see that the body structure of a man is very different from a women, this also applies to their whole being, the way they think, talk, or carry themselves. 
Men don’t spend too long in thinking,  they just go straight to the point if they have to do or say any thing, unlike women, who think long and hard, and who talk all the time with emotions, you see men deals with facts and figures,  they see things as it should be, not the deeper meaning of it, they read what you write or what they see but not what it means, unlike women who see things and attributes a meaning to it.
Men are not as heartless as we would love to believe, but instead are not so in touch with their emotional side, the strength and name of a man is judged by their  character, that is why they can never be too emotional.
Men are made with inner compartment, meaning every aspect of their life is compacted,  family life one compact, working in one compact, football second compact any other game third compact, and so on.
They don’t worry  like women, they take things in their stride.
Men are not made to understand women, but instead to work with women and get their understanding that way, this way men and women, can enjoy each other as an every day discovery, for  man to understand a woman the woman has to be ready to teach the man without the man realizing it.
Men are just men, you can’t change them, but as a women you can try to understand them, and work with them for the betterment of or relationship,
Men where not created to work alone or function alone, but instead  they  are created to  work  with women, in the creation of time, God put men into a deep sleep and too our his ribs and used in the creation of women, remember also the reason why women where created was to help man who was lonely and alone.
Men love with facts, such as outer appearance, before the inner person,  one can understand clearly why men first fall in love with their eyes before their heart, if you go back to human anatomy, you than understand why, you see women are made looking softer, shapely, curvier,  in a women’s anatomy every detain is pronounced, like their breast, hips, back side, cheek bone, legs, and hair, that is why men tend to fall first in love with women’s appearance, before any other thing, Understanding how men work or think, is never completely achieved by women, but can be to a limit if you go back to men’s anatomy as a starting place to understanding you husband, sons fathers or brothers. Betty Nwabunike

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