Friday 15 March 2013

Photo Of The Day :This is Peanut the turtle

Some Amazing Facts Peanut's Story... Credits: Amazing World

 This is Peanut the turtle. She was found in 1993 in Missouri and taken to a zoo in St. Louis where the six-pack ring was removed. Today she is in the care of the Missouri Department of Conservation, and is doing well. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about Peanut. How did it happen? When she was a small turtle, she got the ring stuck on her shell. She couldn't get it off, and over time, the majority of her shell grew, but the area around the ring did not. If this had happened to a fleshy animal like an otter, the animal probably would have died from an infection. Since Peanut's shell protected her body, she was able to live with it, though some of her organs don't function properly. Will she always look like this? Yes, her shell is hard and will not "pop" back to the round shape it should be. What other kinds of litter harm animals? You name it! If an item has any loops or openings it isn't difficult for an animal to get into trouble. The trapped animal often panics, making things worse. Since animals don't have the same dexterity like people do, it's difficult for them to get out of entanglements. Fishing line is another significant hazard, especially since it's often invisible. Entangled animals do not usually survive long; they either starve or are quickly eaten by predators. Small plastic bits and cigarette filters also pose a hazard to wildlife. Animals usually can't tell the difference between litter and food, so they eat the litter, and choke or fill their bellies full of plastic and starve. More at .

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