Monday, 3 March 2014

Rihanna when braless to a fashion show in Paris

If you are thinking what I am thinking than your guess is a good as mine, meaning her new fashion now is to go braless, Rihanna when to a fashion show again in Paris braless as you can see 


  1. Uh oh... Riri U sure U don't need a visit to rehab like most of your colleagues?!

  2. Lottaf typıcal errors! BN pls do somthıng bout thıs aııte? Back to the matter! Am not suprısed,ı always knew she had mental ısh!
    Hope Emeghara

  3. Lot of typıcal errors! BN pls do somethıng bout thıs..Back to the matter! I am not suprısed a bıt,ı always knew she had mental ısh!
    Hope Emeghara
