Sunday, 2 February 2014

See Timaya, Iyanya, Ramsey, Kcee, Sound Sultan storm The Place Bar

It was the very place to be in, with so much celebrities like yanya, Timaya, Sound Sultan, Ramsey Noah, Olisa of Beat FM, Dotun Cool FM, Toolz, Harrysong, Solidstar, Kayla, Larry Annetts (Chief Marketing Officer, MTN) and many more celebs stormed The Place on Adeola Odeku in VI on Friday 24th January to party. Continue to see more photos...

Every Friday and Saturday Clubbing with Celebrities at The Place, Adeola Odeku, VI, You can’t afford to miss this Friday…


  1. I think I was supposed to be there but I got held up in traffic..#stillthinking

  2. Celebrities flexing
