Wednesday, 5 February 2014

HELP! The Lives Of My Children Are In Danger- Helpless Mother Cries Out ladunliadi

We all need to help this family, About 10mins ago, someone started dropping comments on each post saying, a 13-year old boy and his 10-year old sister are in trouble. The person also dropped their mother’s telephone num. I immediately called the woman. Who confirmed the story and also spoke to her brother. From her voice, you will know something is terribly wrong. Her voice went thus, please ma, help us.

My children are innocent. According to her, a family that lives not to far from them had a party last week Friday and she was invited to come and serve at the party. Long story cut short, her kids later joined her that evening, and they were later given food which they poured in a carrier bag and took home. Later on, the Chief’s wife, said she placed two ipads, a phone and N78,000 on a table in the party and couldn’t find them any longer. She said, she accused her children of stealing them, and they were later arrested. They were arraigned in court yesterday and have been transferred from Lagos to Abeokuta’s children’s prison, according to her. She says she has nothing, and she is currently nursing a 2-year old baby, her third child. She also says, the 10-year old girl has also fallen sick due to this. All she needs now is help, because she cannot help herself.

Now, I am not saying the kids are innocent, but these are material things which can be replaced, unlike the little children. They were supposed to be in school, yesterday and today, but alas they are somewhere in one prison in a state they probably have never been to.  We sincerely hope the Chief and his wife will temper justice with mercy after reading this. This incident happened in Lekki-Ajah area. Read what the Commenter dropped as comment below after the cut. Please people who can help should please send me a mail to have the woman's contact number. I know a lot of you will. Thank you all for always being there for others as I await your mails. The comment after the cut.  Culled from Ladun Liadi'sblog 

The Comment:

 A 13 year old boy & a 10 year old girl have been falsely accused of stealing by one Chief Ajose & his wife and have been tortured to confess against their will. They are currently been locked up in a police cell since Sunday night‎.  Because their parents are very poor and can't even afford a lawyer to represent them. The Chief Ajose & his wife of Ilas an Area Lekki, have bribed the Police and they have forced with torture these kids.   Please investigate the matter and help cause the kids have been seriously tortured. And the little girl is already very sick.  This is their mothers name Joy Jacob -‎  THE LIVES OF THE KIDS ARE IN DANGER.‎ 


  1. How ınhumane! Even ıf dey dıd,dıs ıs not d best way to get dem punıshed,for heaven's sake dey r kıds..poor mother! Plz good nıgerıans help!
    Hope Emeghara
