Saturday, 15 February 2014

Adron Homes and properties have estates in 3 locations

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We, Adron Homes and properties have estates in 3 locations: Treasure park and gardens, Shimawa behind redemption camp, Rehoboth park and gardens, Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos and Grandview park and gardens, Ota (15mins drive from Winners' Chapel, Canaan land.) Payable in installments. Estates with rapid infrastructural developments. The estates had been covered with Global C of O. Free from omo onile hassle and excised from Government acquisition.
    For more inquiries, call Yemi on:08132392349.

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  1. Cool homes to lıve ın..
    Hope Emeghara

  2. Nicee homes.hp they are not too cosly..
