Sunday, 26 January 2014

OMG! Woman batters 11-month-old son then takes selfie with the dying baby (PICTURED)

'Catastrophic injuries': Little Callum Wilson, 11 months, died of brain damage after his mother, who was jailed today, battered him at her Windsor homeEmma Wilson
A woman has been sentenced to spend life in prison after she was found guilty of killing her son.
Emma Wilson is said to have battered 11-month-old Callum and caused him life threatening injuries which eventually led to his death.
Wilson also took ‘selfies’ with her injured son in the background while he cried in agony from the pain she had inflicted.
Daily Mail reports:

Judge Stephen Kramer QC told her: ‘You are adept at lying and displayed a total lack of emotion throughout the trial.
‘You must have been the person who caused his injuries.’
He added: ‘You were clearly a good mother to your other son but for some reason you rejected Callum and acted against him.
‘Callum was vulnerable and you must have been the person who caused him the injuries which in the last 10 to 14 days of his life made him so miserable which the court saw in photographs, that for some reason you took.’
Callum was rushed to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford with ‘catastrophic injuries’ and died on March 20, 2011.
A post mortem revealed the 11-month-old had suffered fatal brain damage, as well as nine fractured ribs, a broken leg and arm.
The court heard how Wilson posed for ‘selfie’ photoraphs of her and her son before and after the abuse.  The latter pictures show her grinning next to her crying son, whose face shows obvious injuries.
In a gruesome twist, the 25-year-old, who had told people Callum was her cousin’s son, had his battered body buried in an unmarked communal grave.
Wilson was accused of killing her child because she knew her partner at the time, Neil Richardson, was not the father, according to her defence barrister Michael Turner QC.
Mr Turner added: ‘Emma Wilson chose to bury Callum in a communal grave without a headstone.’

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