Thursday 8 August 2013

Jada Pinkett Smith speaking on love and likeness

She shared this on her face book page, read and enjoy
One of my primary missions in life is to understand the dynamics of love.
 I have observed a big difference between really liking and caring for someone vs. loving them. I have observed people say,"I love you" when they actually may mean, "I like you". An "I like you" relationship may only inspire a person to spend time and offer themselves to us in ways that are effortless, that don't create discomfort nor require much psychic, emotional or physical effort.

 People in these types of relationships often keep up emotional walls that prevent the emotional intimacy that is required for the making of…love.
When love is involved, one is inspired to dissolve those walls and make space for the psychic, emotional and physical efforts needed to build the relationship; therefore, forging the capacity required for vulnerability, receptivity and emotional intimacy necessary for establishing fulfilling bonds of love. It's great to be liked or loved, but it's our responsibility to know the difference. Simply…my humble thought

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