Tuesday 6 August 2013

Are You Still Single

Am guessing every single women will  love to get married one way or another, either to our ever first lover or the very next, but as we all know things don’t always workout  like we want it to or love it to, most times it always for the best but we really don’t see beyond that, when things are not going our ways.

 We become sad even depress believing the word is against us, to those of us who have gone through it and come out the other side, know that sometimes in life waiting for your partner, the right partner  is worth the wait.
One thing you must all believe is that every single person hoping, waiting as well as praying to get married, there is a partner already getting ready and praying also  to met you, every one of us has been blessed with a partner, God created every one with the right and matching partner.

 You just have to wait and pray for the right direction so that when you met the right person, your life partner and  you will know without the shadow of doubt, that this is the right person for you.
As a single person, the way you carry yourself, the way you act and behave both in your public and private life is a very important step to getting ready for your blessed and fruitful marriage life.
Sometime in life our lack of discipline takes away our blessing, takes away the partner God has already ordained for us, I mean why will you have a bad attitude and expect God to allow the union between you and his well behaved son or daughter.
Remember the devil only comes to steal, deceive and to kill, therefore in other to keep your blessing, it best to correct your ways, or the partner you are waiting for will see you and walk pass you without realising that you are the one,
But when you clean your attitude your ways, but most importantly pray to God, you will never miss your direction. Life is not A ABOUT TOO MUCH PROMISES OR LONG TALK IS ABOUT BELIEVING By Betty Nwabunike

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