Friday 23 August 2013

All I know is I love Kim"-Kanye West and I don't care about credibility

Well here is enoght  prove that Kanye is undoubtedly in love with Kim Kardashian.  It no longer celebrity love but the real thing.  He said during his recent appearance on Kris Jenner's show
""""I can have people saying this is going to damage your credibility as an artist or a designer, and I say I don’t care, I love this woman. When the paparazzi surround you,people know you don’t like paparazzi ,and they say "Why would you be with this person?" I’m being with this person because I love this person, and she’s worth it to me. My grandfather just passed and his whole thing, it was never about money. It was never about popularity. His whole thing was joy and having joy in his life. She’s my joy and she brought my new joy into the world. There’s no paparazzi and there’s no blog comment that’s going to take that joy from me."
Video after the cut


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