Friday 14 June 2013

Oh dear! Strípper suffers a míscarriage while performing on stage (PICTURED)

   has some very SAD . . . and disturbing news to report. The popular Houston strípper Jhonni Blaze, who is a friend to the site, is currently in the hospital – recovering from a míscarriage.
According to one of Jhonni’s co-workers, she was dancing at VLive in Houston two nights ago when she started bléeding profusely in the middle of her dance set. It’s not clear whether it was the twérking or something else, but she suffered a míscarriage.
Jhonni left the stage and went back stage where she started having convulsíons and was rushed to the emergency room. Doctors gave her a blood transfusion and she appears to be recovering well. Unfortunately the baby did not survive.
All the best to our girl Jhonni – she’s talented and beautiful and we know she definitely has star potential. Get well soon MAMA!!!

Read more: Media Takeout

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