Monday, 10 June 2013

50 Cent Replies 'OK' To Request by a Fan To Pee In Girl's Mouth

Boxing enthusiast and sometimes rapper, 50 cent, kind-of-sort-of agreed to pee in a girl's mouth.
ok"@sexslays: @50cent pee into my mouth"
In all fairness, that emoji that doesn't work on desktop browsers is of a "gasp" face but a reluctant "OK" is still an "OK." In all fairness part II, 50 Cent seemed to be an "OK" robot this morning, replying with the word to various tweets 10 times as of publication.

Ok"@becloveseminemx: @50cent you have the best smile I've ever fucking seen! Let me kiss you."
Fuck no OK"@SportsTweet89: @50cent you ever reply to men or nah?"
50 is clearly very confused right now. Hope he's OK.

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